ボカロ英語歌詞 紹介場


【英語歌詞】アンハッピーリフレイン/wowaka feat.初音ミク |Lyrics English ver.




English Translyrics:https://youtu.be/aVglCK1kuCg?list=WL

Shotgun blasts and telecaster wrasp

Words sit in a row singing “unhappy”

Sitting sad as the city cackles back

Don’t you hate the sounds of the muzzle’s cold screams?

散弾銃とテレキャスター 言葉の整列、アンハッピー

単身、都会の町並み 撃ち込んだ音、嫌いですか?


Watch me belt until my voice is ruined

Wasting all my time I went and blew it

Now that I finally got you there, right where I want

Don’t you think for a second you’re moving on along

声が潰れるまで歌って 何度の時間を棒に振った

やっとのこと手に入れたアンタ 手離す訳にいかないでしょ


“Her debut was the perfect kinda new”

My heads in the clouds full of shoujo manga

Ammo too is all gone from misuse

Guess it’s time to turn back ‘fore the night is all lost

「ワンマンライブ大成功!」 頭の中は少女漫画

残弾、既に無くなった 此処で一度引き返そうか


Watch me cheat and take a cheap advantage

As the world all caters to my hand and

Now to this stupid life I will wave “bye bye”

So I’ll see you again, but I’m leaving you behind

そっと置いた丁度良い都合を 何度も拾い上げてたんだ

みっともない暮らしにもうバイバイ そろそろ迎えが来るのでしょ?


Asking “What’s out of place?” is just leaving me dizzy

Tell me how do I look at the time that is long outta reach?

I’m as good as can be, lookin good to me

Really? Really Really!




そうかい? そうかい、そうかい



I guess that my friend that, you’d call me lucky

As I loop through the same old seconds spinning round and round I

Saw it, I thought it, so am I happy?


繰り返しの三十九秒 廻り廻っていたら 



Yeah go to fuckin hell, that’s news, I’d say, to me

No matter, the spatter, of noise I dish out

There’s no end or a kind beginning I had ever found so I

Guess in a mess you could say it’s all doubt

Not that you ever would get it, flailing on around


どんだけ音を重ねたって 終わりも始まりもやっては来ないな




I reach through the screen and who do I see?

A girl flipped off her feet, a world so bittersweet

画面の向こう 落ちていった



Shotguns soar, the telecasters more

No words to be found, simple unlucky

Broken, torn, a game over

Such a pitiful sight, don’t it hurt ya to see?

散弾銃とテレキャスター 言葉も無いよなアンラッキー

満身創痍 ゲームオーバー



After tripping so painfully to see

I gave up on every new repeat

Rolling on and on was a pain you won’t believe

Rolling on and on had you laughing in glee

散々躓いたソレは もう一回を諦めた

転がりつつも勘違った そこでアンタが笑ってたんだ


“Her last tour was the kind you can’t ignore”

The festival dies as we’re sentimental

Votes all for, we split, a new course

Can we turn it around and abandon it all?

ワンマンライブ大成功 祭りの後のセンチメンタル

満場一致解散だ 此処で一度裏返そうか


Watch me belt until my voice is ruined

Wasting all my time I went and blew it

Now that I finally got you there, right where I want

Say, tell me my friend how you’re going on along?

声が潰れるまで歌って 何度の時間を棒に振って

やっとのこと手に入れたアンタ ねえ、ご機嫌は如何ですか


Kept awake by the dreams and it’s driving me crazy

It’s the end of the line for perfect ones never at ease

And I’m begging you please for that kind of me

Really? Really Really!







Why is it, oh is it, that kind of “happy”?

Empty eyes dulled at 4 am that wander ‘round so lost and I

Wander how longer until I’m “happy”?


虚ろ目の午前四時 迷い迷って 



But I’m just so exhausted, haunted all along

Why is it, oh is it, that kind of “happy”?




As I’m sprawled on a broken road that never seems to end and it’s

Falling, it’s falling, apart around me

Well all I know for certain’s that you gotta bend





I guess that my friend that, you’d call me happy

As I loop through the same old seconds spinning round and round I

Saw it, I thought it, so am I lucky?


繰り返しの三十九秒 廻り廻っていたら 



Strange cause there’s no reward wherever I can see

No matter, the spatter, of noise I dish out

There’s no end or a kind beginning I had ever found so I

Guess in a mess you could say it’s all doubt

Right then I guess it’s time we jump and tumble down!


ただ音を重ねたって 終わりも始まりもやっては来ないな




I reach through the screen and who do I see?

A girl flipped off her feet, a world so bittersweet

That kind of [lucky]

画面の向こう 落ちていった

