ボカロ英語歌詞 紹介場


【英語歌詞】こちら、幸福安心委員会です。/うたたP feat.初音ミク |Lyrics English ver.





English Translyrics:https://youtu.be/x8pY4-uLXJs


How can it be that everyone is so damn happy

All the things the world can offer, show me all of them, bring me all of them

Leaning in to listen hard, the water draws me close and pulls me in

Exciting things are near now, right, Ondine??

どうして みんなが 幸せなの?

この世界のこと 聞きたいって、知りたいって

水辺の公園で みんなが耳を澄ませて

わくわくするね ねぇ、オンディーヌ?


Okay, okay, okay, hi-hi everyone!!

Listen up because this is all really important to know about!!

All the questions you've had?? Everything you've ever wanted to know??

Guess what, I'm going to tell you!!

All the things that have been bothering you, I'll explain all of it!!


さあさあ、みなさん 教えてあげまーす!

みんなが気になっていること 疑問に思ってること

ぜーんぶ 教えてあげまーす!


Hey, all of you now, cheering up is your job, don't let me down

Are you super happy now?? It's your job to be. Don't want to get fired, right??

All of us here in the Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee wish you absolute happiness

and will do anything in our power to assist you~

えー、みなさんが 幸福なのは・・・ 義務なんです。

幸せですか? 義務ですよ? 果たしてますか?

我々、幸福安心委員会は みなさまの幸せを願い 



Happiness is your responsibility.

Happiness is your responsibility.

Happiness is your responsibility.

Are you really happy now?? You're supposed to be.




幸せですか? 義務ですよ?


Happiness is your responsibility.

Happiness is your responsibility.

Happiness is your responsibility.

Are you really happy now?? Well you better be.




幸せですか? 義務ですよ。


So darlings, be at peace, have the happiest of days, and fulfill your duty to the world

Just remember that your happiness is our happiness.

Are you feeling happy now?? Well you need to be, okay?? It is your very purpose.

And if you are not feeling happy, well then, we can help with that too!!


みなさまの幸せが 我々の幸せ。

幸せですか? 義務ですよ? 果たしてますか?



Nooses, tightropes, slice your neck and chokeholds, gunned down, go drown,

all of you will bow down. Decapitiation, know your limitations, crucified, go die,

just pick the one you like ♥

絞首 斬首 銃殺 釜ゆで 溺死 電気

火あぶり 生き埋め 薬殺 石打ち 鋸 はりつけ 

好きなのを 選んでね♪


Alright, alright, alright, Hi-hi everyone!!

Oh my goodness gracious, I can just feel the happiness flowing from all of you!!

None of you feel any dissattisfaction or uneasiness, right??

I'm scared, I'm really really scared...!!

All of your overwhelming happiness is scaring me!!


さあさあ、みなさん 幸せだけが満ちてまーす!

不安とか不満、 なにひとつないでしょー?




I wonder if the truth is that all of you are happy??

All the things the world can offer, run away from them, please escape from them

Hold your hands up to your ears, the water is so loud its deafening

The fear of death will choke them, right, Ondine??

ホントに みんなが 幸せなの?

この世界の外 行きたいって、逃げたいって

水辺の公園で みんなが耳を塞いで

ビクビクしてた ねぇ、ウンディーネ?


Alright, alright, alright, now everyone, guess what??

He is dead!! That one sassy little knight who betrayed Ondine is dead!!

If anyone would like to attend his funeral, the line is just over to the left!!

Otherwise, please carry on living happily, sweethearts!! That will be all. Tahtah~


さあさあ、みなさん 死にましたー!

オンディーヌをふった騎士は 死にましたー!


それ以外は 幸せに暮らせ! 以上


Happiness is your responsibility.

Happiness is your responsibility.

Happiness is your responsibility.

Are you really happy now?? You're supposed to be.




幸せですか? 義務ですよ?


Happiness is your responsibility.

Happiness is your responsibility.

Happiness is your responsibility.

Are you really happy now?? Well you better be.




幸せですか? 義務ですよ。


It is your job. Didn't you know?? It is your job. Happiness is your responsibility.

It is your job. Didn't you know?? It is your job.

If you are feeling discontent, die.

義務なんです 義務ですよ? 義務なんです 幸福なのは義務なんです

義務なんです 義務ですよ? 義務なんです

幸せじゃないなら 死ね

みんな幸せにな~れ! / うたたP feat. 初音ミク、MAYU、結月ゆかり ジャケットイラスト:wogura [ うたたP feat.初音ミク、MAYU、結月ゆかり ]

(2020/8/18 06:27時点)