ボカロ英語歌詞 紹介場


【英語歌詞】ハロ/ハワユ/ナノウ feat.初音ミク |Lyrics English ver.




English Translyrics:https://youtu.be/OQQfB_uC334



I pulled the window up

And looked into the sky to say

How are you?

Alone between these walls

There's no one but me

ハロ 窓を開けて 小さく呟いた

ハワユ 誰もいない 部屋で一人



And here the daylight is

Covered up with pouring rain


Would someone please come by

And wind me up today

モーニン 朝が来たよ 土砂降りの朝が

ティクタク 私のネジを 誰か巻いて



I know from old cartoons

Characters like that exist

How are you?

Beloved by everyone

While I am here so out of place

ハロ 昔のアニメにそんなのいたっけな

ハワユ 羨ましいな 皆に愛されて



No matter what my heart will tell me

I've gotta come back to today


So, I can raise my hand

Wipe my tears away

スリーピン 馬鹿な事言ってないで支度をしなくちゃ

クライン 涙の跡を隠す為


"Oh, whatever"

Is the mantra I live for

And though I didn't understand you

When you said it, I was floored

"Look, I'm sorry, but I'm through.

I've got no expectations of you."

もう口癖になった「まぁいっか」 昨日の言葉がふと頭を過る



I admit, I feel the same way

'Cause nothing else is working

I can barely make it day to day

But, what made you think

That would be alright to say?




Fumbling, stuttering

The words that I still fight to say

Fantasy, reality

I hide from everyday

喉元まで出かかった言葉 口をついて出たのは嘘


Once again, I couldn't talk

Another set of words I've lost

I'm stumbling through everything

Trying to live my life



Tell me why you run away

And keep it all inside

Tell me are you just afraid

Of letting free your mind?

Tell me if you don't want

Anybody to meet you

Tell me, is that the truth?

何故隠してしまうのですか 笑われるのが怖いのですか

誰にも会いたくないのですか それ本当ですか


So deep within the waters

Of the ocean called "Indifference"

The pain is filling up my lungs

And I can barely breathe

And in the end, I have the urge to hear a person speak

I am so very weak


少し声が聞きたくなりました 本当に弱いな


I settle into pain

As if I'm moving onto nothing

My head is feeling heavy

And my heart is slowly sinking

"Could there be a reason now

For me to go and settle down?"

一向に進まない支度の途中 朦朧とした頭で思う



Sorry, sorry

I know that it's selfish

I'm sure that I can do it

I'll simply muscle through

So, with that said

Would you please let me on my way?

いやいや分かってますって 何となく言ってみただけだよ



A happy face or growing pains

It really doesn't ever seem to change

The sun will glow and brush my soul

For better or for worse

If I've tried my very best

And there is nothing of me left

What good could you expect to do?

What do you want from me?

幸せだろうと 不幸せだろうと 平等に残酷に 朝日は昇る

生きていくだけで精一杯の私にこれ以上 何を望むというの


Tell me, why is it you're feeling so defeated?

Tell me, do you really want to be completed?

Tell me, who was it that let your hand

Fall to your side?

何故気にしてしまうのですか 本当は愛されたいのですか

その手を離したのは誰ですか 気が付いてますか


Tell me, can you decide?

If my life is really going to end before I know

Then when can I begin to live, and learn to let it go?

I'm slowly coming to my limit, so where's my pay

For staying living this way?

人生にタイムカードがあるなら 終わりの時間は何時なんだろう

私が生きた分の給料は 誰が払うんですか


Thank you

I really want to thank you for all you've done

Thank you

I really want to thank you for all you've done

Thank you

And even if I only can say this once

サンキュー ありがとうって言いたいの

サンキュー ありがとうって言いたいよ

サンキュー 一度だけでも良いから


Despite whatever's going on, inside of me

I'm trying so, I really need to open up and thank you

心の底から大泣きしながら ありがとうって言いたいの


Tell me why you run away

And keep it all inside

Tell me are you just afraid

Of letting free your mind?

Tell me 'cause I promise that

I'll take you seriously

So, just come talk to me

Tell me every bit of what you're feeling

Let it go

何故隠してしまうのですか 本当は聞いて欲しいのですか

絶対に笑ったりしないから 話してみませんか


'Cause if you keep it locked away

Then I can never know

All the thoughts inside your head

I want to hear every one

Let your heart come undone

口を開かなければ分からない 思ってるだけでは伝わらない

なんて面倒くさい生き物でしょう 人間というのは



Hello, how are you?

ハロ ハワユ ハロ ハワユ ハロ ハワユ

あなたに ハロ ハワユ

エイベックス・エンタテインメント Avex Entertainment ナノウ/The Waltz Of Anomalies 【CD】

(2020/9/4 00:58時点)